Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 1: Resources: they are everything around us

Hello everyone.
In this 'Choosing and Using Resources For ESL Classroom,' course, we are learning on how find, create, develop and/or adapt resources to suit the needs of our students. What I notice among many of us is that, we go to extreme lengths to develop a teaching resource when in fact there are plenty of them readily available around us. Just take for instance, cartoons or songs. Children today are literally adicted to them . And using them would attract the children towards learning the lesson. As children learn something in a fun way their affective filter is naturally lowered and they can acquire the subject easily.
Here I have discovered some useful link s for us:

I am looking forward to learn to choose appropriate the resources as well as create/develop them. I am sure that this course has a great deal for me to learn to improve myself as a future teacher.

1 comment:

kasthuri said...

your choice of clip will be an effective medium for children to learn science since its creative and has animations!