Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evaluating Softwares

As the submission of Assignment 3 finally arrived, I saw most of my coursemates were as exhausted as I were to attend the class. As I thought my case was bad enough that I slept at 5 a.m. compiling the assignment, my friend told he had not slept at all. The only relieve was that our hardwork has been finally handed in with the satisfaction that we have put in maximum effort in it. Vocabulary such as courseware was definitely alien to me till this week's lecture. However, evaluation was something familiar. It is something we do all the time. Previously, two semesters back, I remember learning to evaluate books that are to be chosen for primary school pupils. In this evaluatoin of software there is a scale used, which is not the same case with the evaluation of books that we learned previously. Just like assessing pupils in oral profiency, scale is set and points are awarded according to the criteria mentioned in the scale.
Evaluating softwares was similar and I did not find it to be difficult. The Haughland/Shade Developmental Scale that Izyan gave out later was simple enough like any filling-of-forms. Thus, I joined my housemate in sharing a software and we evaluated it indivudually and shared some ideas amongst us about it.

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