Sunday, September 28, 2008

Authentic No More

I must admit I have never used Microsoft Publisher before. I usually use the Canon Easy-Print that comes with a software to create various stuff like business cards, greeting cards, flyers, pamphlets and so on. Doing the newsletter in the group helped me in exploring the Microsoft Publisher. Once I learned how to go about with this software, I managed to start doing my business card and pamphlet that was part of the task. It was basically a very easy-to-use software.
However, what strikes me in doing this task is the fact that there no need to do this. This is because I feel that there are so many of the authentic materials out there that a teacher can just choose a suitable one to be used in the classroom. This will be more meaningful for the pupils as they would have seen it before and it could be familiar for them. Introducing a familiar content will assist them to understand it better. Thus, when they actually see it outside the classroom they will be able to remember that it is a flyer, bussiness card or a pamphlet.

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